MDT Administrator Edition (MDT AE) is a less featured IDE supporting Smallworld 5. It is dedicated to the users who in their everyday work do not need the full version of MDT with the wide range of features available only in the MDT Professional Edition product. Therefore, MDT AE is an option for Administrators who are going to run Magik session with no support for advanced features such as Debugger or Class Browser, only available in MDT Professional Edition product.
To see the full comparison of features available in both products click here.
Note that premium features are available after registration of MDT Administrator Edition copy.
Latest version
The latest version of MDT Administrator Edition supports Smallworld 5 Phase 13 Build 1.
What is required to run MDT?
To run MDT product you have to install Java JRE 1.7 or later. We strongly recommend the latest JRE 1.8. MDT AE plug-in is intended to be used with 64-bit Eclipse 4.3, 4.4 or 4.5.
Obtaining a copy
If you are interested in receiving a copy of MDT Administrator Edition please contact our sales department at